Where can I find the list of exchange service providers working with Perfect Money?
The list of our certified partners is always available here: https://www.perfectmoney.is/business-partners.html. We strongly recommend that you use only the exchange services from this list.
I do not remember the exact time when my order was created. How much time do I have left?
You can see the exact time of creation and time left until it expires in your deposit order. To view the form, go to “Deposit” section and choose from the list of your deposit applications at the bottom of the page. Select the one you need and click “View” to see the details. Here you can find the time it was created and deposit expiration time.
Become a member of Perfect Money Dream Team 12.09.08
Perfect Money payment system announces the opening of a section Careers@PM. Perfect Money is constantly developing and we always need the new employees ready to join a friendly team of Perfect Money.
We search for the talented, purposeful and self-confident people regardless their location, age and sex. While building our business we realize the importance of the human resources and understand that the company success depends on every member. In Perfect Money the success of the company is a personal success of each employee and we will be glad to welcome any person aiming to build his or her career together with Perfect Money.
More information on the vacancies is available in section Careers@PM at the bottom of the site.