An e-Voucher is a special code that can be used to make a deposit your Perfect Money account. You can give or sell it to other Perfect Money users who can activate it to at their Perfect Money accounts. E-Vouchers can be created instantly in the “Withdrawal” or “Statement” sections.
What is the maximum amount I can withdraw via a bank wire?
Instant SMS deposit and more positive news 16.06.09
We are gladly to announce a new way of deposit in Perfect Money payment system. Starting from now you can easily send funds from any mobile phone to Perfect Money. Now it is much easier to make instant micro payments.The main advantages of SMS deposit are: speed and wide availability of SMS payments around the world.You can make SMS deposit from almost any country of the world!
This summer, Perfect Money Finance Corp is going to announce more new features for us, our dear clients. You are going to be really pleased with some of them. Stay tuned and learn how to use new functions. Perfect Money develops really fast and it is getting better each day.
One of the main advantage of Perfect Money payment processor is upgrading the system without any downtime. We are doing that for your convenience and we understand the importance of performing your financial operations at any time of the day in spite of adding new functions to Perfect Money payment system.